Our story began with founder Joy Isaacs. Born and raised in South Africa, her mother would use silver gel as part of family life to treat scratches, burns and grazes and prevent infection. When her sister’s teenage skin showed signs of acne, antibacterial silver kept her skin clear and blemish free. After starting a family in London, Joy continued to put her trust in silver to help care for her three boys.

In 2010, she underwent major surgery and again experienced silver’s miraculous power of healing, when her surgeon used silver infused wound dressings. Soon after this experience Joy had a vivid dream.


The ARgENTUM fragrance journey began many moons ago with the creation of BECOME ~ the signature scent of hero product, la potion infinie, and No.0 in the range of alcohol-free, natural eaux de parfums.

From there, twelve archetype fragrances arose, lovingly crafted in the perfume capital of the world, Grasse, using patented Water Plant Emulsion® technology. les parfums infinis is a luxury perfume collection of long-lasting fragrances of at least 93% natural origin, free from chemical solvents, and kind to skin and hair.

Which archetype will be drawn to you?